After the great success of Minardi Management in bringing Andrea Kimi Antonelli into the Mercedes F1 Academy in 2018, we are happy to announce another important achievement of ours. Giovanni Minardi managed to get the driver James Egozi into the Red Bull Junior Team. In 2023 we had already included him in the private PHM Racing Academy, giving him the opportunity to participate in an entire season in the Italian F4 Championship, however in 2024, thanks to the new collaboration just concluded with Red Bull he will have the opportunity to increase his programs to aim for its ultimate goals. Minardi Management and Giovanni Minardi demonstrate once again that they give each driver of their Agency the opportunity to open all possible doors, taking advantage of the excellent network of knowledge and respect towards Giovanni Minardi himself within the world of Motorsport and ensure its drivers a future in this sport.

Giovanni Minardi: “Who would have thought that in just two years of a management contract, we would have managed to get here. Having included him last year at the last moment in the private Academy program of the PHM Racing team and now in Red Bull, which allowed him and will allow him in the future to race like a professional, we believe we have achieved a true sportive miracle according to James Egozi.
Now it’s all in the hands of him and Red Bull to find the right path to reach the final goal, that is, Formula 1.
At this point we believe that there are no longer the conditions to continue our journey together, because it will be impossible to obtain more than what we have achieved in these two years and therefore our paths will separate, but with the awareness on our part of having done an outstanding job for James.”