Buon debutto sulla Ferrari 488 Gt Cup del team Bestlap di Roma nei test svolti al Mugello da parte di Matteo Bergonzini. Il driver di Spilamberto ha migliorato i riscontri cronometrici turno dopo turno, stabilendo tempi competitivi con quelli fatti registrare dai partecipanti del campionato tricolore GT sul circuito toscano. Questo test è stato realizzato grazie all’interessamento e LA disponibilità di Giovanni Minardi, patron di Minardi Management, squadra di cui fa parte Matteo Bergonzini. Un test molto interessante per il driver modenese, che non solo ha potuto crescere d’esperienza, ma che ha permesso di evidenziare le proprie potenzialità a bordo della vettura della casa di Maranello, verificate assieme al telemetrista del team Bestlap. “Una giornata emozionante – ha spiegato Matteo Bergonzini – il team è stato fantastico e mi ha messo subito a mio agio permettendomi di avere una vettura ben curata e uno staff completo e molto preparato. Sono molto contento dei tempi fatti registrare e del costante abbassamento dei riscontri cronometrici a seguito di ogni turno, dimostrando di poter essere competitivo. Ringrazio tanto per questa bella opportunità ed esperienza Giovanni Minardi, patron di Minardi Management scuderia a cui appartengo, e la proprietà oltre all’equipe del team Bestlap. Ora attendiamo di sapere se si potrà concretizzare la partecipazione a qualche gara del tricolore GT, magari cominciando da fine agosto”.


Siamo estremamente felici di poter annunciare che due delle nostre ragazze Julia Angelard e Vanesa Silkunaite sono state scelte per partecipare all’Iron Dames Young Talent Program il 29 e 30 luglio sulla pista di Franciacorta.

Giovanni Minardi:Innanzitutto voglio ringraziare la responsabile del programma Iron Dames, Cathy Muller, per questa opportunità che sta dando alle mie ragazze. Questi due giorni saranno un’esperienza importante per entrambe, ma soprattutto potrebbe essere l’inizio di una collaborazione che potrà aiutarle a proseguire il loro sogno. Ora tocca a Julia e Vanesa dare il massimo. Sono certo che entrambe faranno un’ottima figura.

Julia Angelard:Sono stata scelta per l’evento Iron Dames Young Talent Program, al quale non vedo l’ora di partecipare. Sono molto felice di far parte di questo programma che ha come ispiratrice una donna. Sono grata di essere stata scelta e vedrò di imparare il più possibile. Piena di entusiasmo, non vedo l’ora di fare nuove esperienze e connessioni.

Vanesa Silkunaite:Sono Vanesa, una pilota lituana di 13 anni e sono entusiasta di essere stata selezionata per l’evento dell’Iron Dames Young Talent Program, che si svolgerà molto presto! Mi batte forte il cuore solo a pensarci. Mi sono allenata così tanto che non ci credereste nemmeno. Mia mamma e mio papà mi sono stati di grande aiuto, portandomi a tutte le gare e facendo il tifo per me come dei matti. Farò del mio meglio per rimanere concentrata, mantenere la calma e convincere in tutta la linea. Inoltre, sono così entusiasta di incontrare altri piloti da tutto il mondo. Forse mi farò dei nuovi amici a cui piacciono le corse quanto me! Quindi sì, auguratemi buona fortuna ragazzi.


Luka Sammalisto, the 16-year-old Formula 4 driver from Finland, was injured last Friday morning during the free practice session of the F4 Italian Championship series in Mugello.

What initially seemed like a minor incident turned out to have serious consequences for the tenacious young Finn. Sammalisto was transferred to a hospital where imaging studies revealed fractures in three vertebrae. While the fractures are stable, eliminating the most critical risks, the injury has necessitated a month-long rehabilitation period.

Since Friday, Sammalisto has been recuperating in a local hospital, eagerly awaiting the green light to return home. Due to his condition, he will be absent from the upcoming F4 Italian Championship -weekend in Paul Richard, scheduled for just over a week from now.

At the Mugello hospital, Sammalisto has been strictly confined to bed rest. Throughout this challenging period, he has been surrounded by an incredible support system.

Sammalisto’s manager, Giovanni Minardi, has been presence at the hospital. With Minardi’s Italian heritage, communication with the medical team has been seamless. Minardi’s support extends beyond logistics, providing invaluable emotional strength to Sammalisto during his recovery. Juuso-Matti Pajuranta, Sammalisto’s driving coach, has played a pivotal role as well.

Both Giovanni’s and Juuso-Matti’s help and support have been incredible. Me and my parents are immensely grateful for them.

“I have received an incredible amount of support from various people. It’s really comforting to know I’m not alone and that there are so many caring people around. I want to say a big heartfelt thanks to everyone!”

“This Friday, I’ll be back in Finland. The anticipation is building, and I can’t wait to be home! During the following weeks, it’s crucial to avoid all kinds of back bending and twisting movements. I will be using back extension braces to keep my back in the correct position. The most important thing is to initiate the healing process properly. Getting home plays a significant role in that recovery. Having family and friends around is invaluable. Plus, I get to enjoy homemade food made by my mom!”

Despite this setback, the resilient driver is determined to make a full recovery and return to the track stronger than ever.
Sammalisto is expected to make a comeback for the Barcelona race weekend, scheduled for September 27-29, 2024


12 year old Swedish-American racing talent, Deven Grabko, has been selected to represent the USA at the 2024 FIA Motorsport Games to be held in Valencia, Spain during the 3rd week of October.

Deven, who is represented by the well-respected Italian Driver Management Agency, Minardi Management, has already made an impact on the international junior karting scene, scoring an impressive top 10 finish at the age of 11 in his junior category and World Series Karting debut, where he finished 7th in the WSK Final Cup at the hallowed South Garda Karting Circuit in Lonato, Italy, last November.

The news of his nomination to represent the USA at the 2024 FIA Motorsport Games, dubbed the Olympics of Motorsport, comes on the back of not only his very strong debut in the international junior karting categories, OK Junior and X30 Junior, but also continued positive results during the beginning of the 2024 season, confirmation of his quality.

Grabko currently races with his team AD Motorsport, who are based in Helsingborg, Sweden. Together with his team, he has enjoyed a very successful start to his first full season of junior karting, scoring two race wins, three podiums, and several additional top 5 and top 10 finishes in the first half of the season, which also included debuts in the IAME Euro Series Winter Cup in Valencia, Spain, and the IAME Series Italy Open Games in Lonato. Deven now leads the drivers championship in Sweden’s largest and most prestigious karting championship, the South Sweden Kart Champions Cup, in the Junior Open 125cc class going into the Summer break.

Deven will not be resting this Summer, however. The young pilot will make his Champions of the Future Euro Series and FIA Karting European Championship debuts this month, the two biggest karting series in the world. The Åsum Ring International Karting Circuit in Kristianstad, Sweden will host the 4th rounds of these distinguished competitions July 17-20 and August 1-4, respectively.

The young racing talent continues to show great strides in development, and Giovanni Minardi, his manager, believes he is ready to take the next step in his career, and represent his country on the world stage.

Deven is ecstatic about the news, “This feels amazing! What a huge honour to represent the USA, how many people get to say that!? I can hardly believe it is true – it is almost like a dream! I will do whatever it takes to prepare well so I can make my country proud! I want to thank everyone who has ever supported me for helping to make this possible – all the sponsors, my team, Giovanni, Alex, Kevin, Hugo, Danny, Maximus, of course my family, and all the rest – this is why we do this!

Giovanni Minardi was confident about Deven’s prospects. “This is a well deserved appointment for Deven, and a fitting next step for him on his journey. I have always known he was an extremely fast and talented driver, otherwise we would not have signed him. I am very sure he will be fighting near the front and do us and his country very proud.

Deven Grabko is a Swedish American racing driver born in Trollhättan, Sweden, and raised in both Trollhättan as well as San Diego, California. He attends school in year 7 at Paradisskolan’s English Speaking Curriculum in Trollhättan.
• Web:
• Instagram: @grabkogp
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• YouTube:

Minardi Management is a well reputed Italian Driver Management Agency run by the same family legacy from the Minardi Formula One team in the 2000’s and have been an active and influential name in motorsports throughout the years. They are known to bring their drivers from a young age through the kart racing categories and into single seater formula racing.
• Web:
• Instagram: @minardi_management
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• FIA Motorsport Games:


Il fine settimana Porsche Carrera Cup Italia ha visto Nicholas Pujatti chiudere in grande crescita e in top five tra i rookie.

Un buon fine settimana quello portato a termine dal pilota del team Villorba Corsa, seppur mai facile su un tracciato come quello toscano, ricco di insidie e con pochi punti per il sorpasso.

Dopo le prove libere-test, lo studio dei track limits e del set-up con la propria squadra, Nicholas si è concentrato al massimo sulle sessioni cronometrate, chiudendo in zona Top Ten ed evidenziato fin da subito un buon passo gara.

Sessione di qualifica unica come sempre molto tirata a caccia del giro pulito. P19 assoluta per il pilota numero #46 chiamato alla rimonta nella prima gara di sabato pomeriggio.
In Gara 1 purtroppo un contatto causato da un avversario nei primi passaggi, ha costretto Nicholas a perdere alcune posizioni al via.
Recupero giro dopo giro sancito dalla P20 finale ad ogni modo positiva considerando l’inizio della gara.

Gara 2 decisamente diversa con una partenza regolare e fuori dai guai che ha permesso al pilota Villorba Corse di poter spingere da subito e dimostrare il proprio passo gara. Tempi sul giro che lo avrebbero portato in lotta per le prime dieci piazze, hanno consentito di recuperare posizioni chiudendo in P17 e soprattutto in P5 nella classifica Rookie.

N.Pujatti:E’ stato un weekend davvero molto combattuto. Guidare la 992 GT3 qui al Mugello è stato emozionante e voglio ringraziare tutto lo staff Villorba Corse per avermi messo nelle migliori condizioni. Ringrazio il mio management Minardi Management, tutta la mia famiglia e ovviamente i miei sponsor per il grande supporto!”.

Appuntamento per il primo fine settimana di settembre (6-8 settembre) per il quarto round stagionale sull’Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari di Imola.


Ufficio Stampa Nicholas Pujatti
Petrolhead Communication
Foto: G.Benfanti


Sarà il circuito toscano ad ospitare il terzo round in calendario della Porsche Carrera Cup Italia 2024.

Nicholas Pujatti è pronto a tornare al volante della propria Porsche 992 GT3 Cup del team Villorba Corse, in seguito ai test pre-gara della scorsa settimana.

Una prima stagione in ambito PCCI formativa e combattuta per il pilota italiano, sempre più a suo agio nella nuova categoria. Il fine settimana del Mugello sarà un banco di prova ulteriore per alzare ancor di più il livello.
Tracciato storico e mozzafiato con 5.245 metri di sali e scendi, curve meravigliose e soprattutto velocità.

Il fine settimana dalle alte temperature previste prenderà vita quest’oggi con altre due sessioni di test pre-gara, più che mai importanti per arrivare al miglior setting della vettura e nelle migliori condizioni in vista di venerdì quando il programma gara passerà alle Prove Libere ore 14.35.

Qualifiche ufficiali previste nella mattinata di sabato 12 luglio ore 09.15 prima di Gara 1 alle ore 15.50 (30 min. + 1 giro). Gran finale domenica 13 luglio con Gara 2 alle ore 12.20 (30 min. + 1 giro). Entrambe le gare saranno trasmesse in diretta e on demand sulla piattaforma Dazn e in live streaming HD sul sito

N.Pujatti: “Sarà un fine settimana molto impegnativo sia per le temperature che per il tracciato, mai facile da interpretare. Con il team abbiamo già iniziato il nostro lavoro in previsione della gara e cercheremo di portarlo avanti al meglio. Ringrazio il mio management Minardi Management, tutti i miei sponsor e la mia famiglia per il supporto. Occhi sulle gare!

Tutti gli aggiornamenti sui canali ufficiali di Nicholas Pujatti (Instagram e Facebook).


Ufficio Stampa Nicholas Pujatti
Petrolhead Communication


The third race weekend for a Finnish F4 driver Luka Sammalisto (16) in the F4 Italian Championship series at Vallelunga, Italy, was fraught with challenges.

Preparations for the race weekend began on a high note for the young Finn. During Friday’s free practice, Sammalisto showcased competitive speed, clocking the second fastest lap time among 36 drivers in the morning session. The R-ace GP team, which Sammalisto represents, dedicated the afternoon to final testing and fine-tuning to ensure optimal equipment settings for Saturday’s qualifyings. Despite the preparations, the qualifying session did not unfold as planned. Nevertheless, Sammalisto’s consistent performance secured him 16th, 12th, and 10th place.

Saturday’s first race start quickly turned problematic. On the very first lap, a teammate collided with Sammalisto’s car, dropping him to 24th place. The race took a dramatic turn a few laps before the checkered flag when three drivers ahead of Sammalisto crashed, blocking the entire track. With no clear path, Sammalisto swerved into the sand area, where his car became stuck, ending his race prematurely.

During the second race start on Saturday, another incident transpired. After several laps, an unforeseen maneuver by a fellow competitor dashed Sammalisto’s hopes for a strong performance and points, as he was positioned in a promising 10th place at the time.

Sunday continued the pattern of misfortune. In the third race of the weekend, Sammalisto was derailed off the track due to a delayed braking maneuver by the driver behind him. This incident resulted in a damaged car and a 22nd place finish for Sammalisto.

– When at every race during the weekend, your race is ruined for reasons other than self-inflicted, it’s frustrating. When things happen that you can’t influence on your own, it eats away at a man. Disappointing in terms of sportsmanship.

– Concentration or skillful overtaking won’t suffice if a fellow racer veers into your path, or if a collision from the driver behind causes damage to your car. Setbacks are an inherent part of a motorsport. Navigating through such challenges is not always mentally easy, particularly on weekends like this.

Sammalisto also shared his frustration on behalf of his team.
– It’s really sad for the whole R-ace GP team. They have worked hard to close the gap to the top teams. It has been successful and the direction of development is correct.

– If there is something positive to dig out of the weekend, then mental strength and determination will only be strengthened by the experiences of this weekend.

– Every race weekend has its own special spices, and this weekend offered the bitterest of them. The work will continue with the team persistently and determinedly towards Mugello, where in a month’s time the fourth race weekend of the F4 Italian Championship series will take place.


Finnish formula driver Luka Sammalisto is improving his performance as the season progresses in the Italian F4 series. The Imola race offered a lot of positives but also technical challenges, which left Luka from the rookie driver’s podium position just one place short twice.
Earlier this year, Sammalisto also took another step closer to professional motorsport. Luka signed a management contract with the Italian Minardi Management. The company’s owner, Giovanni Minardi, acts as Luka’s manager and handles all contract negotiations. Sammalisto is the first Finnish driver on Minardi’s list, which also includes F2 driver Andrea Kimi Antonelli.

Luka Sammalisto: It was great to become a part of Minardi Management. Giovanni is a true professional and takes care of practically all matters and negotiations related to me. Final decisions are made together, but everything else is handled through the manager. Giovanni always approaches things from the driver’s perspective, which is important for a young driver.

The Imola race weekend began with three collective tests and two official free practice sessions. Sammalisto’s test program included a long list of technical adjustments in preparation for the weekend’s races.

Luka Sammalisto: The collective tests went pretty much according to the program, that was, searching for settings. We tested a lot of different things and didn’t expect any top times at all. However, in the combined times of the three tests, I was in 15th place, which was decent. The Imola track felt good right from the first run.

The official free practices went even better for Luka, with positions of P10 and P8. The car worked well with both old and new tires, and expectations for the qualifying sessions were high.

Luka Sammalisto: The speed improved further in the free practices, and I got a good feeling for the car with both old and new tires. The gap to the top was just a few tenths of a second. But the qualifying sessions did not go as smoothly. The first qualifying session was disrupted by numerous yellow flags, and due to a detached front wing, I only managed to do one fast lap, resulting in a very unsatisfactory P14. In the second qualifying session, technical problems continued, and I ended up in P18.

The weekend’s three races involved a lot of driving behind the safety car but also intense racing and overtaking. Sammalisto showed his speed and fighting spirit, resulting two times P4 among the rookies.

Luka Sammalisto: The first race started well, but crashes in the early laps brought out the safety car. The rest of the race was tough, and I even went off into the gravel briefly, but finished in P12 and P4 among the rookies. The podium was close, Luka says. The second race started also well, and I had climbed to P9 and P3 among the rookies when the safety car came out. At this point, the race director noticed that my rear wing had come loose and flagged me to the pits a lap before the finish. The third race was my best driving of the weekend. A good start, good speed, and good overtakes. I finished P7 and P4 among the rookies, which of course is a bit frustrating.

The Imola weekend did not meet the set goals. Numerous technical problems significantly affected performance and speed. When the car worked, Luka showed his speed and potential.

Luka Sammalisto: I have mixed feelings about Imola. There were many technical challenges that were out of my control. It’s good to remember, though, that without the technical issues, we are fast and competitive, which gives confidence for the future. The next race will be held in Vallelunga in 14.-16.6.

More information about Luka Sammalisto: