Minardi Management is pleased to welcome Deven Lewis Grabko, a Swedish-American driver born in 2011, whose race program for the 2023 season includes several highly contested Swedish championships at the national level, such as the Kart Cup West Championship, IAME Series Sweden, Swedish Kart League, South Swedish Kart Champions Cup, the Swedish National Championship and the prestigious Kristianstad Karting Club Grande Finale.

Giovanni Minardi: “I’m really happy to have Deven join our ranks, he’s a very interesting prospect. In addition to being very fast, he shows much more maturity than his age would suggest. I am sure that we will create something very interesting together. Through the end of the season, we will continue to focus on the Swedish race program he and his family together with his team have already planned for him, before our partnership started. Our goal for 2024 will be a more international program.”

Deven Lewis Grabko: “I am extremely grateful to have been presented with the opportunity to work with Giovanni, Dorothea and the entire Minardi Management team and organization. They are a true motorsport family, with a long history and deep roots in the industry, and it shows in their passion and knowledge of the sport.

The list of drivers they’ve got on their books is really impressive, and it is a real privilege to have my name next to theirs.
Joining forces with Minardi Management has given me a real boost, and I am so happy to start this journey with them. My dad is always telling me to give 110% every time I get in that driver’s seat, and having Giovanni at my side will just give me more motivation to do exactly that. Really can’t wait to get started!
I’ve been working so hard to accelerate my development, having so much less experience than most of the guys I race against at my age, so it feels especially great that Giovanni has recognized my potential, shown an interest in helping me take my career to the next level, and will guide me through the steps I need to take so I can maximize my growth as a driver and a person, and realize my dreams.
I am super thankful for their trust and support at this early stage of my career and I am going to do everything I can to make sure their time and effort are rewarded in the future.”